Cut off mark for nursing
Do you wish to study nursing in Nigeria, with prestigious university of your choice and you haven’t know how to go about it, follow this little guide.
Nursing have been the best course sorted after medicine and pharmacy, which makes it one of the best course to study in Nigeria
Although there are little requirements Which this article will highlight in a quick note.
Nevertheless, the cut of mark for nursing varies according to standard and expensive the school is, and also pupolarity
Sometimes when the school is pupolar the cut of mark tend to be high, but when the school is not that known they will reduce the cut of mark mark, so that they should have more candidate.
The cut off mark for nursing are as follows base on school.
Federal university you need to have minimum of 230 and state university included. While private universities are different in given out cut off mark.
In conclusion, you need to score above 200 in JAMB to gain admission in to Nigeria university to study nursing.