Grant for small business in Nigeria
Are you an entrepreneur and doesn’t have funds to start the bussines you intended or the fund is not much to build the bussines you’re dreamt of,
As you found this article your search has ended because I will be sharing with you some of the grant that small business owner in Nigeria likely have or get,
Nevertheless, in Nigeria today a lot of people have know job and they doesn’t have funds to start, why because everyone depends on government which is not actually good for a country that’s very large,
Nigeria is very broad and wide which you as a graduate or post graduate you can source money from labourer and start a little business as you can,
Because some time these grant actually doesn’t reach the poor like us, because it’s those who are rich that will still collect the grant, what an irony!
I just mention some point for you so that you can’t depends on the grant because you might apply and still not having gotten the grant.
In this article, here are the grant you can apply in Nigeria and get if you’re are lucky, I want my readers should always trust this website that why I always provide the real information that you may be aquinted with.
Small business grant
These grant below are not grantee for you to have it, both you can still apply and try your lucky,
The best way to apply is in person not online because they may not consider you, but when you go to their office you may likely to get it,
1. Smedan Grant For Entrepreneurs
2. Africa’s Young Entrepreneur Empowerment Nigeria (Ayeen)
3. Shell Livewire
4. Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme
5. Grofin Fund
6. Youwin Connect Nigeria
7. Lagos State Entrepreneurs Trust Fund
8. Innovation Price For Africa
9. African Women Innovation & Entrepreneurship
10. National Youth Entrepreneurship Empowerment Summit
Female small bussines grant
This bussines grant is dedicated for female only to support them achieve their goal especially those that are house wife.
Below bussines grant some are federal, private and state.
1. Amber Grant
2. IFundWomen Universal Grant Application Database
3. SoGal Black Founder Startup Grant
4. Fearless Strivers Grant Contest
5. Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards
6. Comcast RISE
7. FedEx Small Business Grant
8. National Association for the Self Employed Growth Grant
9. Halstead Grant
10. Fast Break for Small Businesses
12. Small business innovation research and small business technology transfer programs
13. Program for Investors
in Microentrepreneurs (PRIME)
14. Women’s Business Centers
15. Economic Development Administration
16. Small Business Development Centers
17. Minority Business Development Agency