
Salary structure of Rural Electrification Agency (REA)

The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) is a government agency charged with the sole responsibility of providing rural electrification services in Nigeria.

The agency was established in 2005 under the Federal Ministry of Power to accelerate the electrification process in rural communities across the country.

As a government agency, the REA has a well defined salary structure that is comparable with other government agencies.

The salary structure of the Rural Electrification Agency is based on the Consolidated Public Service Salary Structure (CONPSS), which is applicable to all government workers in Nigeria.

The salary structure is categorized based on the level of the government worker, and this applies to the Rural Electrification Agency.

The levels are:

• Grade Level 01-03: This applies to those at the entry-level cadre with a minimum of a National Diploma or its equivalent.

• Grade Level 04-07: This is for those who have a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent.

• Grade Level 08-10: This is for those with advanced degrees (Masters or above) or with significant years of work experience.

• Grade Level 12-14: This applies to higher-level management staff who are responsible for strategic planning and decision-making.

• Grade Level 15-17: This is for top-level management staff who are responsible for policy formulation and implementation.

Note: this article is incomplete and we will update it soon. Because we haven’t have any information about about their salary structure.


How often do REA staff receive salary increases?

Staff of the Rural Electrification Agency receives salary increases periodically based on the approval of the Federal Government.

What benefits do REA staff receive?

REA staff receive benefits such as health insurance, vacation and sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, and retirement benefits.

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