
The impact of politics on job recruitment in Nigeria

Nigeria is one of the most populous countries in Africa and one of the leading economies in the continent.

However, the quest for political power and influence has often marred the recruitment process in the country, leading to a significant impact on job seekers and the economy.

This article aims to explore how politics impacts job recruitment in Nigeria, highlighting its adverse effects on the economy and the labour market.

Factors affecting job recruitment in Nigeria

The following are some of the factors affecting job recruitment in Nigeria:

• Nepotism:

Nepotism is one of the biggest challenges facing job recruitment in Nigeria.

It is a practice whereby people in positions of power favour their relatives and friends when it comes to job placements, rather than considering merit-based criteria.

This practice deprives many qualified candidates of the opportunity to secure a job, leading to a sense of disillusionment and frustration among job seekers.

• Corruption:

Corruption is endemic in Nigeria, and it has a significant impact on job recruitment. Many job seekers are required to pay bribes to secure employment, and those who cannot afford to pay are often left out.

This practice ensures that the most qualified candidates are not selected for jobs, leading to a decline in the quality of the workforce.

• Political affiliation:

Political affiliation often plays a crucial role in job recruitment in Nigeria.

Those who belong to the ruling party or have connections to influential politicians are often given priority when it comes to job placements.

This practice undermines the principles of meritocracy and creates an unfair advantage for certain groups, leading to a decline in the quality of the workforce.

• Ethnicity:

Ethnicity is also a significant factor in job recruitment in Nigeria.

People from some ethnic groups are favoured over others, leading to a sense of alienation and discrimination among job seekers.

This practice also leads to a lack of diversity in the workforce, leading to a decline in innovation and creativity.

Impact of politics on job recruitment

The impact of politics on job recruitment in Nigeria is significant and far-reaching.

The following are some of the adverse effects of politics on job recruitment in Nigeria:

• Brain drain:

The practice of nepotism and corruption has led to a brain drain in Nigeria.

Many qualified and experienced professionals leave the country in search of better employment opportunities, leading to a shortage of skilled workers in the labour market.

This situation has a significant impact on the economy, as it leads to a decline in productivity and a loss of talent and expertise.

• Poor quality of the workforce:

The practice of favouring political associates and people with connections over merit-based criteria has led to a decline in the quality of the workforce.

This situation has created a workforce that lacks the necessary skills and expertise to compete in a global market, leading to a decline in innovation, productivity and economic growth.

• Discontent among job seekers:

The practice of nepotism, corruption and favouritism has created a sense of discontent among job seekers.

Many people feel that they are not given a fair chance to compete for jobs, leading to a sense of disillusionment and frustration.

This situation not only affects the mental health of job seekers but also leads to a decline in their productivity and commitment to work.

• Waste of public resources:

The practice of political favouritism and corruption has led to a waste of public resources.

Many public institutions and agencies are saddled with unqualified and inexperienced personnel, leading to a decline in performance and productivity.

This situation has a significant impact on the economy, as it leads to a decline in the provision of public services and a loss of public trust in government institutions.

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